Have you thought about replacing your old furnace but wondered about how much energy you will save by replacing your old furnace and how much more efficient will it be? Just think about the AFUE of the furnace. AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. Or in other words if the AFUE is 80 that means that 80 percent of the fuel is used by the furnace and the other 20 percent escapes as exhaust with combustion gases. Most new furnaces are 95% efficient. So if your furnace was new in 1992 it’s probably 78% efficient or less. The average life span of a furnace is 15- 25 years. Plus older furnaces use a pilot light rather than a more efficient two stage closed-combustion gas fired model.
A furnace that is 15 to 25 years old can use as much as 20% more energy than an energy star rated furnace. To see if it’s worth spending the money on a new furnace just add up the fuel bills for last winter and multiply that sum by 20 percent. Divide that figure into the cost of buying and installing the new system. Then you can see how many years it will take to recoup your investment. For reliable heater repair Bonney Lake call Treat’s Heating and Cooling. Since 1973 they have been providing quality and satisfaction to all their customers. They come highly recommended and highly qualified!